Parent Portal Instructions
On this page you will find instructions for accessing and logging into our BusPlanner Web Parent Portal. Use the Parent Portal to view your child’s eligibility for busing, route information, School Bus Operator information, and more.
Please Note: You must create an account using your email address and a password. Once your account has been created you will be able to login using your email address and password to access your student(s) bus information. (The email address used to create an account must match the email record registered at school)
Once you have entered the website:
- Select the “Portal Access” icon
- Select “Parent Portal”
- Select “Create Account” – enter your email address (email address must be one on file at the school)
- Create a password (password requirements: one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one special character, one number and it must be at least 8 characters)
- Once the email account has been set and verified you will be able to log into your account and view the bussing information for each of your students.

When you gain access to the parent portal, you will be able to retrieve the following information:
- Child’s eligibility for bus transportation
- Bus route number
- Approximate morning pick-up time and location (times could vary by 5 minutes)
- Approximate afternoon drop-off time and location (times could vary by 5 minutes)
- Transfer bus information (if required)
- School Bus Company
- You will receive an email notification of any bus cancellations or delays.
The information contained within this portal is updated twice daily; once between noon and 1:00 pm and once overnight. The portal is not available for use during these periods.
To gain access to the Parent Portal, select the link below. Select the “Busplanner Web Parent Portal” tab and begin entering the required data.
*****Please Note: As this information is regularly updated, it may also change on a frequent basis due to new student registrations, approved alternate transportation requests, etc. Please check your child’s route on a regular basis to ensure that you have the most accurate information for your child’s first day of school.